What We Are About

BnS Farm

Building the foundation of a strong rural community.


A little about us.  We bought the farm in mid 2018 and we weren't real sure of what to do with it.  So for 6 months we studied animal's and watched a lot of YouTube videos,  we came across Arms Family Farms, and thanks to Daniel we decided on raising meat goats.   We got our first heard January 2019 and in February our barn burned to the ground,  and we lost 3 goats 2 of which were babies.  We had one baby that survived, but was burned on her ears,  back and nose, baby Joyce went threw some trauma healing and she is doing great now.  She is our farm mascot and we love her dearly, she will be with us for as long as she lives.

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Bourbon Reds were selectively bred for utility traits as a meat bird, and was an important variety in the turkey industry throughout the 1930s and 1940s. Like most turkey breeds, it declined after the commercial adoption of the Broad Breasted White. Populations began to recover in the early 21st century, and today it is one of the most popular heritage turkey breeds in the U.S. Despite its relative popularity as a heritage breed, it is still listed as "watch" by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy, entailing that there are fewer than 5000 breeding birds in the U.S. The Bourbon Red is also included in Slow Food USA's Ark of Taste, a catalog of heritage American foods in danger of extinction.

Goat meat, also called chevon, is a versatile red meat that you can grill, bake, mix into a stew or make into jerky, says the International Kiko Goat Association. Although many goat meat fans prefer consuming tender chevon from very young goats, the meat can be sourced from goats of varied ages.

Life on the Land


Native to Africa, the Guineafowl are a family of birds in the same order as the pheasants, turkeys and other game. They eat insects and seeds and resemble partridges, but with featherless heads and spangled grey plumage.

Guineafowl have a long history of domestication, mainly involving the Helmeted Guineafowl. The young, called "keets" are very small at birth. They eat lice, worms, ants, spiders, weedseeds, and ticks while on range or they can also eat chicken layer crumbles while housed in a coop.

Guineafowl come in an extremely large amount of colors however, the most common is the Pearl being all black with white dots on the feathers, white faces, naked necks and the helmet on the top of the head.



Exotic Birds

Kikos hail from New Zealand where  their  name means "meat." Kiko development began in the early 1970s when a group of ranchers united to form The Goatex Group LLC. They collected and bred thousands of feral goats, reserving only the fastest maturing,  meatiest, and most disease- and parasite-resistant goats from each generation to use as breeding stock, sending the balance to slaughter. They provided their herds with no supplementary feed, no shelter, no hoof trimming or vet care, and no assistance at kidding. Only the toughest survived.
